Creating the Color Coded Series

I started exploring codes and embedding them in my designs in early 2021, starting with the Cryptology Collection. I had looked at all types of codes, such as Bar, Morse, and Braille, and created a few of my own.

 Thinking about a variety of codes, I decided to explore color coding. It became popular in the pre-digital days with color-coded file folders and markers. You would hear phrases like “in the red,” which is an expression for a company losing money, vs. “in the black,” hence the phrase “Black Friday,” which expresses a profitable business.

 I thought it would be interesting to color-code my days with my moods. You can see “My Year in Color” with the original watercolors and cipher color palette.  

 Loving a good grid, I translated each month into a punch needle. In my usual fashion, I had to add another code element to each piece. I overlayed the alphabet onto each month, and the raised areas represent the letters of that particular month.

My process:

  • Researched yarn and color palettes and landed on these beautiful Palette Boxes from Knit Picks

  • Overlayed the alphabet on each watercolor

  • Created templates to keep me organized

  • Organized my yarn color to match the watercolors

  • Punched each piece, which took about four hours each

  • Built frames, wrapped each piece around the frame, then finished them off with a decoding card.

Below is a visual example of the process. You can also watch a video on how these pieces were created: The Color Coded Series


Creating the Intelligence Series


Creating the Signals Series